If you are reading this, you might not have a portfolio website, or you might be considering creating one. In either case, there are two crucial things to know when you find yourself in this situation.
1 What is a portfolio Website?
2. Why is a portfolio site so important?
1. Many people perceive a portfolio website to be a workbench. By ‘workbench,’ I mean a place where you store all the projects or work you have done throughout your entire career, including both the good and bad projects, as well as relevant and irrelevant ones. However, that is not the purpose of a portfolio website. A Portfolio Website is where you showcase the best and most relevant projects you have worked on throughout your career. It serves as a platform to display works and projects you have completed personally or as part of a group, allowing you to discuss them from the planning stage to the deployment stage.
2. There are several reasons why having a portfolio website is crucial, and I will focus on the most significant ones. For instance, consider a scenario where you are involved in construction and require an architect to create plans for a new house. Now, picture meeting an architect who boasts about being the best in the industry. If you ask to see the houses they have previously designed, you discover that this so-called ‘best’ architect has no work to showcase. In such a situation, would you hire this architect? Certainly not! This principle applies equally to developers, particularly junior developers.
If you are in a situation where you need inspiration to start building your portfolio, I got you covered. Here is a list of portfolio websites you can check out for inspiration below.
1. (https://theonlyabdull.netlify.app/)
2. (https://brittanychiang.com/)
4. (https://www.femmefatale.paris/)
You should check it out and start building your portfolio immediately and drop a FOLLOW.
Follow me on : Twitter (theOnlyAbdull), LinkedIn(Abdullah Salaudeen).